Thank you for visiting our Sermon page! We hope these archived sermons speak to your heart and may lead you to a life change or bring you peace! If you have any questions, or want more information about the topic you listened to or about our church in general, please email us at
Recent Sermons
"Parable of the persistent widow"
luke 18: 1-8
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables takes us to the parable of the persistent widow from Luke 18.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the rich fool"
luke 12: 13-21
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables takes us to the parable of the rich fool from Luke 12.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the Talents"
matthew 25:14-30
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables focuses on the parable of the talents from Matthew 25.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"the unforgiving servant"
matthew 18: 21-35
Pastor Jon continues his series on the parables of Jesus, this time focused on the unforgiving servant from Matthew 18.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"the sower & the soils"
matthew 20: 1-16
Pastor Jon continues his series on the parables of Jesus with the "The Sower and the Soils" from the book of Matthew.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Two builders"
matthew 7:24-27
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Two Builders" from the book of Matthew as he begins a study on the parables of Jesus.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Fulfilling God's purpose"
Acts 28: 11-31
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Fulfilling God's Purpose" from the book of Acts.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team with a guest appearance by Zoar Kids for family worship.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"What's Your Story"
Acts 26: 9-18
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "What's Your Story" from the book of Acts.
Special music is provided by Shelby Brass, along with the Zoar Worship Team.
Creative ministries and the kids puppet team has a great Christmas performance.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Celebrate the child"
chriSTMAS cantata
The Zoar Worship Team displays their talent and glorifies God with this years Christmas Cantata: Remember the Child. The message, "God's Greatest Gift" is presented by Pastor Jon from the book of Isaiah.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"praising through pain"
Acts 16:22-31
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Praising Through Pain" from the book of Acts.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team. A very special performance is provided by former Ms. North Carolina Elizabeth Williams Taylor.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
Part 1:
Part 2:
"pirate worship"
Acts 14:14-18
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Pirate Worship" from the book of Acts.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Christ for all"
philippians 2:5-11
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Christ for All" from the book of Philippians.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Obeying god"
proverbs 3:5-7
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Obeying God" from the book of Proverbs.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
part 2:
"Healthy service"
EphESIANS 4:11-16
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Faithful Service" from the book of Ephesians.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"steps for accountability"
matthew 18: 15-17
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Steps for Accountability" from the book of Matthew.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Responding to persecution"
matthew 5 : 10-12
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Responding to Persecution" from the book of Matthew.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Prayer of repentance"
psalm 51
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Prayer of Confession" from the book of Psalm.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"empowered by the spirit"
john 1
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Empowered by the Spirit" from the book of John. We also observe the Lord's Supper.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"The Great Commission"
matthew 28: 16-20
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "The Great Commission" from the book of Matthew where he discusses discipleship.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Addressing sin"
2 Samuel 12:1-9
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Addressing Sin" from the book of 2 Samuel where he teaches on the 3 P's: Position of Influence, Permission, and Right Petition.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the workers"
Matthew 19
Happy Father's Day!
Guest Pastor Danny Seay brings the message titled, "The Parable of the Workers" from the book of Matthew with a focus on God's grace.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"guide and inspire"
nehemiah 2: 11-20
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Guide and Inspire" from the book of Nehemiah.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Living for others"
John, matthew, 2 timothy
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Living for Others" from his series, Leadership.
Baby dedication is held today!
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Grow and learn"
2 timothy 1:6-14
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Grow and Learn" from his new series, Leadership.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"CHristian womanhood - honoring mothers"
Proverbs 31: 10-31
Happy Mother's Day! "Christian Womanhood Honoring Mothers" Prov 31: 10-31 Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Christian Womanhood Honoring Mothers" from his new series, Leadership.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"chosen and equipped"
numbers 27: 15-21
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Chosen and Equipped" from his new series, Leadership.
Our music is provided by Johnny Cabaniss with the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service: