Thank you for visiting our Sermon page! We hope these archived sermons speak to your heart and may lead you to a life change or bring you peace! If you have any questions, or want more information about the topic you listened to or about our church in general, please email us at
Recent Sermons
Mark 15:34
This week's sermon is from the series 'Words From The Cross'.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
john 19:25-29
This week's sermon continues in the 'Words From The Cross' series.
The children give a great rendition of the song, "Jesus Loves Me" and our musing is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
luke 23:43
This week's sermon is from the series 'Words From The Cross'.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the ten virgins"
matthew 25: 1-13
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables takes us to the parable of the ten virgins.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the persistent widow"
luke 18: 1-8
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables takes us to the parable of the persistent widow from Luke 18.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the rich fool"
luke 12: 13-21
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables takes us to the parable of the rich fool from Luke 12.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Parable of the Talents"
matthew 25:14-30
This week's sermon on Jesus' parables focuses on the parable of the talents from Matthew 25.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"the unforgiving servant"
matthew 18: 21-35
Pastor Jon continues his series on the parables of Jesus, this time focused on the unforgiving servant from Matthew 18.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"the sower & the soils"
matthew 20: 1-16
Pastor Jon continues his series on the parables of Jesus with the "The Sower and the Soils" from the book of Matthew.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service:
"Two builders"
matthew 7:24-27
Pastor Jon brings the message titled, "Two Builders" from the book of Matthew as he begins a study on the parables of Jesus.
Our music is provided by the Zoar Worship Team.
We stream live on Facebook at 10am or you can come back here later for the recorded service.
Please click below for this week's recorded service: